I think the dogs are catching on because they are now sleeping through the alarm like we have been recently. This morning they only got up when we actually did.
This was a great campground, very dark and very quiet. We decided to pack up and go have breakfast overlooking the ocean. We didn’t take long in breaking down the tent, we are very well practiced now and since last night was a dry night it was easy to pack everything away.
We decided to hit the showers before leaving and I packed our un-used firewood in a trashbag to take with us to the next campground. The showers and bathrooms at this campground were the nicest we had seen yet. Plus we found out that there was wi-fi at the campground from the fliers posted outside of the bathrooms.
So before we pulled away we did a little email checking and went to see if we could get to that rocky beach area that we had seen yesterday. As it turned out the trail was too steep and muddy to deal with taking the dogs so we decided to visit the downtown area of Camden Hills instead.