When we are on the East Coast of the United States, I don’t seem to have any allergies. But as soon as we arrive in dry states like Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho and Utah, I tend to start sneezing! And the sneezing gets worse whenever we spot Cottonwood “snow.”
We’ve read online that it is rare to be allergic to Cottonwood. So maybe I just happen to be allergic to something else that is blooming at the same time. But I still blame it on the Cottonwoods!
We were walking James while in Wyoming and I was watching some cows just across the fence. I looked over at Chris and James and they were running from what we thought was a cloud of bugs. But then we both realized it was Cottonwood snow from a gust of wind! Look at how thick the “snow” is on this Cottonwood tree:

And to be expected, just a few days later the ground was THICK with Cottonwood snow:

Chris being the stinker that he is decided to collect some seeds. He loves growing trees from seeds (you should see his Lychee Tree and Jackfruit Tree!) and he thought it would be fun to grow some Cottonwood trees. The Cottonwood trees really are beautiful, they grow fast and they provide a lot of shade. I just don’t love their seed season!
Look at the beautiful texture of the bark:

The funny thing is I don’t sneeze so much when I’m back East. But then Chris sneezes a lot on the East Coast and not so much out West.