We are in Lander, Wyoming and we decided to check out Sinks Canyon State Park.

The Popo Agie River flows through the park and it is quite turbulent! I was a little nervous walking over it on this suspension bridge:

James enjoyed the bridge and the hiking trail across the river:

Cicadas are everywhere:

I like the clicking sounds they make. We didn’t realize one hitched a ride on me until we heard the clicking sound inside the car as we left the park. Luckily we were able to find him and put him back outside but he now lives in a new neighborhood!
We brought rolls, lunch meat and cheese in the FJ so we could have a picnic after our hike:

We went back again the next morning – this time to hike along the trail where the river “sinks” up to the point where it “rises” again. The Popo Agie river disappears underground for 1/4 of a mile and that short hike is very easy.
This is the “sink” where the river disappears underground:
Geologists have done studies with dye and they’ve found that the water disappears underground here at the sink but then it doesn’t resurface for two hours! They’ve also found that more water flows out of the “rise” than goes in at the “sink” so while underground for two hours it must pick up extra water along the way!

At the “rise” area they sell fish food so you can feed the fish:

The “rise” is definitely more calm but the water does turn back into rapids along the river.

The park doesn’t want you fishing at the “rise” – that would be cheating!