I really enjoy swimming and soaking in natural springs – especially when they are hot! I saw there was a mineral spa in South Dakota called Moccasin Springs. It is in the town of Hot Springs so we decided to go and check it out!
This is the main building out front where you check in. There is a spa shop with quite a few items and a restaurant called Buffalo Dreamer.

This is the backside of the main building once you’ve paid your $25 soak fee and entered the garden:

Chris is relaxing in the garden near the two hot pools:

I didn’t take a ton of photos of the grounds or of the four pools. People were soaking and since it is a peaceful spa environment we didn’t want to be making anyone uncomfortable by pointing camera at them! These are the two hot pools. The upper pool was the hottest at around 104 and the lower pool was around 102. They heat these pools to make them warmer.

This is the warming room overlooking the moccasin pool. I’m sure this warming pool feels great in the cold winter months! The moccasin pool is the original pool and it is 93 degrees. It is natural mineral spring water without any chemicals:

A small peek at the pool since everyone was over to the right side and out of my photo:

This is the larger warming room overlooking the 1913 pool. The 1913 pool was built in 1913 and it stays between 88-90 degrees. Chris wanted to get into this pool first but it was too chilly for me (it was also around 65 degrees outside when we arrived at Moccasin Springs).

The 1913 pool:

You can’t see it because there were people in that area but the 1913 pool is attached to the original moccasin pool – there is a small swim-through area.
After we soaked we got cleaned up in one of their beautiful shower rooms. I loved the slab wall in the shower area:

We got James out of the car and ordered our lunch from Buffalo Dreamer. They have some indoor seating but the outdoor patio is beautiful and James gets to join us:

We ordered the black truffle and parmesan popcorn as our appetizer:

This popcorn reminded us of the gourmet popcorn we used to make when we lived in Orlando. We would make all kinds of fun flavors using the herbs in our herb garden. Rosemary popcorn was one of our favorites!

Chris ordered the burger and I ordered the turmeric pickled shrimp and the watermelon jalapeño salad:

The owners of Moccasin Springs also own a Kombucha company called Scobi and it was delicious!
For dessert, we ordered the chocolate pot de crème. I was surprised when I saw the berries and cream were topped with gold dust! What a fun touch!