James loves finding dog toys when we walk or visit dog parks. These “found” toys end up being his favorite toys! In Georgetown, James would love to walk past the tennis courts and collect any stray tennis balls that made it over the fence. It was actually pretty rare for James to NOT find a ball near the tennis courts! James would then carry his found toy all the way home.
We were recently at a dog park and James found this white ball. It looks like a golf ball but it is bigger and rubber. It seemed like a nice toy and I was afraid some dog would come back for its toy. But James wouldn’t let it go. At all! So we decided to let him carry it home. And then once home I decided to clean out his toy bin. It had at least 6 “found” balls. When we walked back to the dog park the next day, we took those 6 balls and donated them to the dog park in exchange for the newly found ball!

When we were visiting a campground recently James noticed a frisbee on the ground on our campsite. The previous campers must have left it behind. I didn’t want James to have it because it is a traditional hard plastic frisbee. James LOVES playing frisbee but his frisbee is a dog frisbee and it is soft. I was afraid James would break a tooth catching this frisbee! We let James play with it for a little bit. He was SO excited about his new toy! But he started chewing the edges and Chris decided to toss it under the RV and hopefully James wouldn’t go after it. A little big later James was crawling under the RV trying to get his found frisbee!

Check out James’ first frisbee from when we were in Breckenridge, Colorado.
Then J’s frisbee got an upgrade when we were in Sun Valley, Idaho later that same year.
James enjoyed playing with this new frisbee on the beach in Oregon.
And of course James still loves tennis balls!