Back in April when James got sick, we knew he was feeling better when he wanted to play frisbee. Frisbee is J’s favorite game! It is actually a game of keep away and James works on intercepting the frisbee while we play.
I realized I never posted these photos of James with all of his battle scars on his fur. He has shaved spots where they tested his bone marrow, where he had blood draws, where he had IVs and where he had ultrasounds and X-rays. It is quite the crazy haircut!

It is crazy to look back and see how much hair James used to have. He has been on a fairly high dose of prednisone since April and he has lost a lot of his hair. Parts of his ears were bald by the end of May. Now it is September and we have noticed his hair is coming back but it is very fine. Hopefully he will have a thick coat by winter!