The last day of our trip and it’s another sea day. We are finally sick of the breakfast buffet and it’s because we are ready to get back to a reasonable sized breakfast. We headed to the track and the gym again then went to sit by the pool. The funny thing about the last day of a cruise is that the ship starts to feel a little empty because so may people head to their rooms to start packing. We signed up for the early walk off where we would take our own luggage and be the first group off of the ship. We had our own car back at the parking garage so walking off was a good option because we didn’t have to find transportation.
We spent most of the day doing nothing and enjoying every minute of it. We didn’t even think of packing because our luggage didn’t have to be outside of our room like everyone else’s luggage.
Around mid-afternoon we headed up to the Sea View Cafe to get a snack. It was between snack time and dinner at the Windjammer so the Sea View Cafe was the only thing open. After we ordered we found a table outside on the deck where we ran into Cory and Chris, our table mates at dinner. We had them join our table, apparently they spent the day just like we had, doing nothing. We talked about the trip and what we planned on doing when we landed in Miami in the morning. They were staying for a few days to enjoy the beach, but we were taking the four hour drive back home and we were looking forward to it.
We talked for a long time and got to see an amazing sunset because of it. We were lucky to have such great people at our table for dinner. We headed back to our room to pack before dinner and were surprised to find that it wasn’t that hard to do. I think we are finally getting our packing skills refined to a point where we don’t take too much extra stuff on our trips. I think it really helped us to take such a long trip this past summer with the pups so we were forced to learn how to pack just what we needed.