After dinner I had a stomach ache/headache combination so I only wanted to lie down. I wasn’t sure if it was from over eating or from a drink that I had earlier but I was in no shape to go dancing. We found “7 Pounds” with Will Smith on one of the movie channels and watched for a while. I fell asleep half way into the movie, not because I wasn’t interested but I just didn’t feel good. Sandra filled me in on what I missed because she said it was too sad for her to watch again.
I’m not sure if the movie ended at 2 am or if Sandra did something to wake me up but she couldn’t sleep and wanted to go refill her water bottle. I decided to go too and we headed upstairs to find a water station. When we got there we found a couple making out on a couch near by. (I guess they thought they were alone)
We refilled our water jugs and walked around a little. We noticed both hot tubs full of people, the dance club apparently still full and every other area of the ship completely vacant. It appears that the only people wandering the ship are us and the couple making out.
We headed back to the elevator from the 5th floor thinking this would be the first time on this cruise that we didn’t stop on every floor. There were 5 elevators and nobody in sight so our odds were good that we could go from 5 to 9 with no stops.
As we stepped onto the elevator we heard voices. We pushed 9 and the doors closed. On 6 (one level up) we picked up two girls who had been out at one of the bars. What floors do you think they picked? You guessed it… 7 & 8. Once again we hit every floor. I did mention there were 4 other elevators and stairs right there as well didn’t I?
Oh well, maybe tomorrow an elevator might skip a floor for us.