We caught I-75 in Albany and headed South, in all of the years I can remember driving this stretch of highway I can’t remember a single time that it wasn’t under construction. Either the State of Georgia can’t complete the job or they are making too much money with the doubled speeding fines. Eventually we made it out of the construction and into the State of Florida where we got on I-10 to Jacksonville to drop Warren off. Duke and Goblin were soon going to have their entire seat back.
We pulled into Jacksonville and dropped Warren off, somehow the car seemed much lighter, even though he didn’t really have that much stuff. We stayed long enough to have a ham and cheese sandwich and the pups got to see the cats. If it hadn’t been for the glass door the introduction of Duke and Bones would have been more excitement than we were all ready to handle. Bones had his share of excitement though and wouldn’t go near the door again, that’s for sure!