After dinner we walked down to the boat dock to take a look. It was fun seeing all of the old buildings and hearing about what they had been used for. It was also a great time just taking in the scenery and the 65 degree evening air! It was August after all and back home it was probably 95 degrees and 70% humidity or higher.
There was a meet and greet at the Boondocks restaurant at 6:00 pm to give everyone a chance to meet each other.
I sat and talked to Sandra’s cousin Kathy’s husband Bob and their son Brandon for a while. We didn’t stay long though because the smoke in the restaurant was horrible. We headed to the gas station next door because we wanted to find some firewood to make a fire at the lake to finish off the day. I walked in and asked, “Do you have any fire logs?” and the lady responded in one complete sentence, “No, where are you from?”
“Florida”, I responded.
“Oh, I knew it wasn’t from around here.” she said.
Then I thought about it, very few people around here would ever buy fire wood, they would just cut it down themselves, why would I even think of asking something like that?
We didn’t worry about the wood, we just headed for the lake and found Wendy (the current owner of the property) and her husband cleaning up near the fire pit for a family gathering they had scheduled for tomorrow. We asked them about wood to burn and they brought over a ton of wood in a trailer pulled behind a four-wheeler. This was far more wood than we needed and plenty to help us get our marshmallows cooked!