One of my December brides came by today. She has Chicken Pox! It’s funny, because as soon as she left I was itchy! I washed my hands and I still felt itchy. Then I took a shower. And I still felt itchy! Why does my brain do that to me? If she wouldn’t have said anything, I might not have even noticed.
I notice the same thing with fleas. We are lucky (knock on wood) that we don’t have fleas at the house. The only time we get them is when we take the dogs to Tallahassee. I am thinking it is because it is more wooded. But either way, if it is a day before we wash the dogs after arriving back in Orlando, I itch all over. I just get so creeped out!
Let’s hope we don’t get the Chicken Pox again…or I guess it is shingles the second time around.
Do you feel itchy yet? Maybe this illustration will help: