I was wandering around Anthroplogie the other day. They have the cutest kitchen stuff. I always enjoy looking at it but I rarely buy anything because we don’t really NEED anything for our kitchen. But I saw this plaid flatware and I LOVED it! Being Scottish, I tend to love tartan and plaid stuff. We don’t really NEED new kitchen stuff (did I mention that already?!) but I can’t stop thinking about these!
The photo I took in the Anthropologie store of the plaid flatware:
The photo from the Anthro website of the tartan flatware:
Tartan-Etched Flatware
by Sabre-Paris
$78.00 per place setting
I love our current Crate and Barrel flatware – but it is odd. There is so much weight in the handle that often people visit us and when they eat at our house they almost always drop our silverware. Even if I warn them in advance. I say “The silverware is weighted funny and it tends to fall to the floor.” But it doesn’t matter. They still drop it.
Crate and Barrel
Charlotte Flatware
$49.95 per place setting